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Corporate Social Responsibility

In 2024, Peku Peku is making preparations to launch its Corporate Social Responsibly program. Please reach out to learn more about these dreams. I'm counting on my network for support to create lasting impact.    

Peace Forest
Where our love ones rest, life grows

The earth shattering loss of my fiancé in 2017 took me deep into a void of despair. As I have struggled and been supported to find peace again, I have reflected deeply on the matter of honoring and remembering loved ones who have passed. Drawing inspiration from Memory Forest and other similar initiatives, I seek to create a Peace Forest in my native Tanzania, where life can flourish, our loved ones can live on, and the living and departed can work together to create a healthier, greener, and more beautiful planet for the next generation to enjoy. 


1% of Peku Peku profits will be invested in the Peace Forest initiative.


Please get in touch if you have ideas that can support the Peace Forest to grow!

Maxim Kids
Keeping Cape Town's youth off the streets

Maxim Kids was established in 2010 to give underprivileged youth in Cape Town alternatives to street life. Founded by Coach Allen Chizungu, Maxim Kids offers boxing classes and operates a feeding scheme to keep youth away from gangsters and drug dealers and encourage them to stay in school., Located in Woodstock, Maxim Kids also offers the youth access to a computer centre and basic library, Coach Allen shows South Africa's youth that there is an honest and fulfilling career to be made out of sports and wellness and has ambitions of taking children with talent to professional level. To grow the impact of his program he has dreams of creating a scholarship fund for kids to pursue careers in sports and wellness; securing a bus to transport the kids to competitions and training; and partnering with sponsors to expand the reach of his services. 


1% of Peku Peku profits will be invested in Maxim Kids.


Please get in touch if you have ideas that can support Maxim Kids!

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